Slideshow: Graham Hoare’s Irish Railway Photos – by Roger Joanes (08/11/18)

Next Thursday’s meeting at IRRS’s HQ in Dublin (8 November 2018, 7:30pm) is “Graham Hoare’s Irish Railway Photos” by Roger Joanes. Graham was an English railway enthusiast, who travelled extensively in Ireland between 1956 and

Slideshow: Across CIÉ & GNR(I) lines in the 1960s – by Ciarán Cooney (25/10/18)

On Thursday 25 October 2018, the IRRS’s Hon. Photographic Archivist Ciarán Cooney will present a selection of images recorded by the late IRRS Treasurer Norman McAdams, featuring scenes on the railway lines of CIÉ and

Valentia Harbour Branch by Barry Carse (London Area, 18/10/18)

Longstanding Irish enthusiast and regular contributor to the Journal, Barry Carse, revisits the London Area with fascinating new research about the Valencia Harbour branch. Building on a recently discovered report, “Closing of Unremunerative Branch Lines”