IRRS Outings to Drumsna Bridge+Cavan & Leitrim Railway and Bluebell Railway
Details of two upcoming IRRS Outings for 2019 are now available to book:
- 17 March 2019 – outing to visit the Drumsna Railway Bridge (Dublin-Sligo line) and the Cavan & Leitrim Railway at Dromod.
- https://irrs.ie/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Booking-Form-Drumsna_CLR_Outing_2019.pdf
- 8+9 June 2019 – two-day outing to the Bluebell Railway, Sussex.
- https://irrs.ie/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Booking-Form-Bluebell-Outing_2019.pdf
Further Details and Booking Forms for the above outings are now available on the IRRS Outings Page.
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