Photographic & Diagram Archives (Updated)
The IRRS Flickr Photo-archive has been augmented with a further 1,400 digitised pictures and drawings from the Society’s Collection; featuring the photographs by Colin Weatherup, Herbert Sharman, John A and R Powell, John O’Meara, Jonathan F Condell and Walter McGrath, as well as 260 Track Signalling Diagrams. Samples of collections below:
- A John Powell Collection
- R John Powell Collection
- Colin Weatherup Collection
- Herbert Sharman Collection (updated)
- Jonathan F Condell Collection
- John O’Meara Collection
- Walter McGrath Collection
- Track Diagrams Collection (updated)
IRRS Membership can be obtained online via the Membership Page.
The next IRRS Meeting takes place Thursday 14 October 2021 in MANCHESTER and via ZOOM @ 19:30: “My First Railway Adventure in Ireland” by Michael Davies.
Details on how to access the meetings will be issued by the host branch a number of days before each presentation to those on the branch’s mailing list. If you are not currently on the IRRS mailing list and wish to be added in order to access any of the above meetings, please email your details (name, email address and IRRS membership number) to:
- Main (Dublin) IRRS mailing list: membership@irrs.ie
- London IRRS mailing list: irrslondon@hotmail.com
- Manchester mailing list: IRRSManchester@gmail.com