Proposed New IRRS Area (Manchester)
19.00 – 21.00 THURSDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2020
The Society is exploring the potential for a new branch in Manchester. An inaugural meeting has been arranged for Thursday 6th February 2020 (7pm – 9pm) to assess the level of enthusiasm for a local branch to serve the North-West of England and to consider how such a branch might function. The meeting will be addressed by Tim Morton (Chair – IRRS London Area) and the Society’s President, Dick Fearn.
If you would like to support this venture, or know of anyone else in the North-West of England who might be interested (whether an IRRS member or not), please submit your e-mail address(es) to irrslondon@hotmail.com using the Subject heading “Manchester”. Let us know whether you wish to attend the meeting or simply wish to be kept informed of developments, and we will come back to you with further details.
The Function Room of The English Lounge (pub), 64-66 High Street M4 1EA, Manchester City Centre (close to Shudehill tram/bus interchange, between Manchester Victoria and Piccadilly Gardens). The bar will be open from 18.00. Your first drink is free, on the IRRS! A variety of food is available in the pub. Click here for more details.IRRS Manchesternew