IRRS Journal 212 (Oct 2023)
Our latest Journal, No. 212 (October 2023), has been completed and our members have been emailed an e-copy of the issue in advance of the Journal being posted in the coming days. Highlights include:
Our latest Journal, No. 212 (October 2023), has been completed and our members have been emailed an e-copy of the issue in advance of the Journal being posted in the coming days. Highlights include:
JOURNAL 211 (June 2023) It has come to our attention that the printed IRRS Journal for June 2023 had underpaid postage applied to it for our members located in the United Kingdom. Unfortunately Royal Mail
IRRS JOURNAL 211 Our latest Journal, No. 211 (June 2023), has been published and dispatched to the membership; Contents include: Ancestry and the IRRS Archives, Rhona Murray A Second Station at Limerick Junction, Ernie Shepherd